Llên Natur
Llên Natur

Y Tywyddiadur

Prif nodwedd y gronfa hon yw'r dyddiad, mis neu'r flwyddyn penodol sydd yn sail i'ch cofnod. Mae'r tywydd wrth gwrs yn rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd "rwan", pryd bynnag yw neu oedd "rwan" i'r cofnodwr gwreiddiol; y bore yma efallai, diwrnod arbennig yn eich plentyndod, neu sylw mewn dyddiadur dwy ganrif yn ôl yn sir Feirionnydd.... efallai. Neu efallai bod cysylltiad y sylw a'r tywydd yn ymddangosiadol wan iawn: tylluan wen yn hela am dri o'r gloch y prynhawn ar ddyddiad arbennig o Chwefror; clywed y gog yn canu ddiwedd mis Mawrth; teilo cae at datws ddechrau’r gwanwyn. Tywydd....? efallai! Ffenoleg...? yn bendant.

Mae'r Tywyddiadur yn rhyngweithiol - hynny yw, mi allwch rhoi gwybodaeth i fewn iddo, neu chael gwybodaeth allan. Y cam cyntaf y byddwch yn cymryd wrth fentro ar y dudalen hon felly fydd dewis pa un rydych am ei wneud.... Chwilio ynteu Mewnbynnu (blychod chwilio ar y chwith mewn glas, blychod mewnbynnu ar y dde mewn coch).

(Ewch i’r gwaelod am ganllawiau cychwynnol).

CHWILIO: Chi biau’r dewis: mis neu gyfnod arbennig efallai, blwyddyn, gair (neu ddau air), neu ddiwrnod penodol (treiwch ddyddiad eich pen-blwydd). Cewch wneud cyfuniad o rhain.

MEWNBYNNU: Trwy fewnbynnu cewch ychwanegu at y gronfa a chreu adnodd mwy cynhwysfawr fyth i ymchwilwyr fel chi. Dim ond tri amod sydd ar eich cofnod: ei fod yn cynnwys rhyw fath o ddyddiad, lleoliad (bras neu fanwl), a bod y cofnod rhywfodd yn gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd.




6,454 cofnodion a ganfuwyd.
Brynddu, Llanfechell, Mon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
March 25. The wind E, and a clear, fine, pleasant morning. About noon it began to be very cold and cloudy, and continued so without raining till night. This day I had an account that the Sessions begins llth of April, and being obliged to go to Dublin [Calendr Julianaidd)
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Mor Iwerddon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
March 26. Very calm all the night [ar fordaith i Ddulyn]. [Calendr J]
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
March 27. About 11 in the forenoon we came within sight of the Hill of Hoath; came to the bay at 4 in the evening, and was near 8 before we landed at Ring's End ...'Twas near 11 at night when we came to Dublin, my poor daughter being mightily tired, and almost starved with cold.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Brynddu, Llanfechell, Mon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
March 28. The wind N.W.; a dark, dirty day, from morning to night; paid 2d. for ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
March 29. The wind S.W. ; dark and cloudy, yet dry; paid od. for ale in Bride Street.[Calendr J]
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Brynddu, Mon
Diary of William Bulkely, Brynddu http://www.gtj.org.uk
A cold dark day. but fine spring weather, sowed fir seeds in [th]e wall Garden, the end of the bed next [th]e north, 6 rowes of seeds harvested from The fir trees in the Orchard & [th]e rest s..ted … ropes. Planted out [th]e beginning of this month454 Fir trees, 203 of which I planted in gâllt ddu in Bodelwyn [th]e rest in the borders of the fields about Brynddu House, onely 13 I planted in Llanfechell Church yard. [th]e 21st of this month (bieng a Thursday) which day My superstitious servant W[illia]m Davies believes to be lucky to begin every work of moment) I begun to sow Barley at the Park in Coydan. Fodder very scare with me Severall of the Neigbours (as Rich[ar]d W[illia]ms Carrog, Hugh Rowland Hughes of Maes Mawr, Thomas Edwards of Cae Mawr, Anne Jones of Cafnan, Mary Lloyd of Foel du haveing turned out their cattle since the middle of the month.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Brynddu, Mon
Dyddiadur William Bulkely, Brynddu http://www.gtj.org.uk
A Dark day Cloudy Day. This day I turned away the Water that went over Cae’r Beudy in Bodelwyn, such an extraordinary seasonable spring that every thing is forwarder by a month than usuall for this time of the year. Cowslips in full blossom 3 weeks ago in the open fields. Fir trees began to put out shoots a fortnight ago. The Horse Chesnut & great maple now in full leaf, the Apricot tree has shed its blossom 3 weeks ago & sett for fruit, other fruit trees such as Pears Cherrys, Peaches & Nectorines very full of Blossom & in prime bloom. Plum trees which were a fortnight ago all white, have since cast their Blossom & sett for fruit. Some apple trees full blown, the rest in a week’s time promiseing the same thing, very thick sett with blossoms. The Vinesat the gable end of the Brow-house with in the Court haveing already shott out above four inches, with blossom buds appearing upon them already.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
Aprill ist. A Dark dry Cloudy Day. this day I turned away the Water that went over Cae`r Beudy in Bodelwyn, Such an extraordinary seasonable spring that every thing is forwarder by a Month than usuall for this time of the year. Cowslips in full Bloom 3 weeks ago in the open fields, Fir trees beg[a sw]n [he uses `begun` elsewhere and it`s difficult to see whether this is an `u` or an `a` sw] to put our shoots a fortnight ago. the Horse Chesnut & great Maple ? now? Aprill ist. 1734 in full leafs, the Apricot tree has shed its blossom 3 weeks ago & sett for fruit, other fruit trees such as Pears, Cherrys, Peaches & Nectorines very full of Blossom & in prime bloom. Plum trees which were a fortnight ago all White, have since cast their Blossom & sett for fruit. some apple trees full blown, the rest in a week`s time promiseing the same thing, very thick sett with blossoms The Vines at the gable end of the Brew-house within the Court haveing already shott out above four inches, with blossom buds appearing upon them already ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Brynddu, Mon
Dyddiadur William Bulkely, Brynddu http://www.gtj.org.uk
the weather was very rainy in the morning till 2 a clock, then fair & windy till night, I neither did, nor saw any thing re- markeable. I walked the fields & gardens most part of [th]e Day.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
2d. the weather was very rainy in the Morning till 8 a clock, then fair & windy till night, I neither did, nor saw any thing re-markeable. I walked the fields & gardens most part of ye Day ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Brynddu, Mon
Dyddiadur William Bulkely, Brynddu http://www.gtj.org.uk
Very cold all day, dark and cloudy, nothing besides worth mentioning.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
3d. Very Cold all day, dark and cloudy, nothing besides worth mentioning?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Brynddu, Mon
Dyddiadur William Bulkely, Brynddu http://www.gtj.org.uk
A Dark cloudy Day, but very warm & a fine spring, I was this day in [th]e River at [th]e Angling sport, caught but a fas(?). Tapped(?) a Darrel of Brias(?) this day
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
4th a Dark cloudy Day, but very warm & a fine spring, I was this day in ye River at ye Angling sport, caught but a few. [tapped sw] a Barrel of Drink [this sw] day?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
5th. A fine warm dry Day, & ye Wind (what there was) at North-East an ordinary flesh markett to day at lLanfechell, beign only 7 or 8 poor kids, but of Corn, bread, butter Salt &c a great deal pd [2 sw]d for Ale?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Mon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
A very fine day and a fine spring. Ye wind at SW and prettyhigh, a great deal of dew every night this week ago [sic] it made two or three very great showers this evening and rained I believe yemost part of the night
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
6th. a very fair day, and a fine spring, ye wind at S. west, & pretty?high, agreat deal of Dew every night this week ago, it made 2 or three very great showers of Rain this evening, & rained I believe ye most part of the Night?.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
7th. A very cold day but dry- the Wind West. No sermon to day ? th[e sw] parson Cathechised in [ye sw] Evening & spent near 2 hours in the expounding of it, it rained I believe most part of the night & very Cold?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
8th. Still raining till 8 in the Morning the wind West. & very Cold & wett, no? plowing to day in this neighbourhood ? pd 1d[2/4 sw] [two farthings? sw] for ale at Cemaes ? this Night I had a present of [fl sw]axe Flower Seeds from Cousin Morgan of Henblas.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
9th. Th[s sw] [mis-spelling `this`? sw] Wind still at full west and very cold in ye Mornings, ye Evening ? being Warmer, & a fine spring, tho ye West & South-West Winds did of late singe & blast tender fruit-trees very much, which was wont to be done by an Easterly Wind in other years. paid this day 11s.3d. for Tea to S?an y sebon.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Mon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
[April 8. I had a present of rare flower seeds from Cousin.] April 10. This evening I sowed Cowslip seed in Cae'rhyd y Gaseg, etc.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
Full moon 7th. Day 5 in the Morning ? 10th. The Wind still West & very cold in ye morning, but dry & proper for sowing & plowing for Barley.... ? this evening I sowed Cowslip seeds in Cae Rh?d y Gaseg, as I did a week before in ye lower end of Rh?s Carrog yt joins upon the River, & at Cae`r ?llt ddu, and at that part of Cae Gl?s in Coydan that joins upon Cae`r [It sw]al.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
11th. The Wind at W.S. west, & a fine warm day but dark & Cloudy, as it was indeed this week last past. I am now sowing barley in wet cold ground enough at Bodelwyn (viz Cae`r fron Galch, Cae`r Odyn, Cae tan y Scubor & Erw`r trosol, if long cold rains should follow all is spoiled, but my fodder being almost done, & a great deal of work behind I must run ye risque. Quince trees are now in blossom, & so are Rasberrys & strawberries ? a great deal of dew fell this night ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
12th The Wind full South, and a dark cold morning, the Evening fair & warm to day I weaned my Lambs, and in marking of them (which is cutting off the tip of both ears, & a notch under each ear) which is my mark) one of them bled so much that he could not stand, & had much ado to save him, Abundance of Latin & English verses were made all over England upon the King`s Daughter`s marriage with the Prince of Orange last March [? sw] most of th[ese sw] thought by men of Learning mean & trifling, ...
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Mon
Trans. AAS&FC 1931 (The Diary of William Bulkeley of Brynddu, Anglesey: Owen, H & Griffiths JE)
April 13. a great dew last night.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyfrannwr: natur
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : -999
Is Tym : -999
Uch Tym: -999
Safle grid: --


Dyma enghreifftiau o’r codau (“Bwleaidd”) i’w defnyddio wrth chwilio’r Tywyddiadur:

Y chwiliad symlaf yw gair ar ei ben ei hun (ee wennol), neu dau air wedi eu gwahanu gan A, NEU neu DIM (ee. wennol NEU gwennol)

Ond i chwilio ar draws y meysydd:

Rhowch + o flaen pob maes/elfen o’ch chwiliad a : (colon) ar ei ôl..

Dynodir dyddiadau fel diwrnod, mis, blwyddyn (dd/mm/bb)

Ee. I godi pob cofnod sy’n cynnwys Faenol ym mis Ionawr 1877:

+lle:Faenol +mm/bb:1/1877

Dyma ychydig o engreifftiau eraill:

+nodiadau:llosgfynydd +bb:1815

+ffynhonnell:Edwards +nodiadau:moch

+nodiadau:wartheg +nodiadau:ffridd

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