Llên Natur
Llên Natur

Y Tywyddiadur

Prif nodwedd y gronfa hon yw'r dyddiad, mis neu'r flwyddyn penodol sydd yn sail i'ch cofnod. Mae'r tywydd wrth gwrs yn rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd "rwan", pryd bynnag yw neu oedd "rwan" i'r cofnodwr gwreiddiol; y bore yma efallai, diwrnod arbennig yn eich plentyndod, neu sylw mewn dyddiadur dwy ganrif yn ôl yn sir Feirionnydd.... efallai. Neu efallai bod cysylltiad y sylw a'r tywydd yn ymddangosiadol wan iawn: tylluan wen yn hela am dri o'r gloch y prynhawn ar ddyddiad arbennig o Chwefror; clywed y gog yn canu ddiwedd mis Mawrth; teilo cae at datws ddechrau’r gwanwyn. Tywydd....? efallai! Ffenoleg...? yn bendant.

Mae'r Tywyddiadur yn rhyngweithiol - hynny yw, mi allwch rhoi gwybodaeth i fewn iddo, neu chael gwybodaeth allan. Y cam cyntaf y byddwch yn cymryd wrth fentro ar y dudalen hon felly fydd dewis pa un rydych am ei wneud.... Chwilio ynteu Mewnbynnu (blychod chwilio ar y chwith mewn glas, blychod mewnbynnu ar y dde mewn coch).

(Ewch i’r gwaelod am ganllawiau cychwynnol).

CHWILIO: Chi biau’r dewis: mis neu gyfnod arbennig efallai, blwyddyn, gair (neu ddau air), neu ddiwrnod penodol (treiwch ddyddiad eich pen-blwydd). Cewch wneud cyfuniad o rhain.

MEWNBYNNU: Trwy fewnbynnu cewch ychwanegu at y gronfa a chreu adnodd mwy cynhwysfawr fyth i ymchwilwyr fel chi. Dim ond tri amod sydd ar eich cofnod: ei fod yn cynnwys rhyw fath o ddyddiad, lleoliad (bras neu fanwl), a bod y cofnod rhywfodd yn gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd.




6,454 cofnodion a ganfuwyd.
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 5th.November. [this is written in the margin below `5th.` sw] The Wind S. blowing fresh, dark hazy weather with frequent showers of mizling rain morning & Evening. About 12 I took my leave of thefamily at LLysdulas haveing left in the house among the Servants 7s. 6d. and came home by three, the roads being excessive deep & dirty .
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 6th. December. [this is written in the margin below `6th.` sw] The Wind S. blowing high & raining in the morning early ; the rest of the day was Sun shiny, fair & pleasant and dry to the last: Past this day as I do every year in entertaining my Neighbours & sat up till near 12 ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 7th. [SYMBOL LLEUAD NEWDD] 7 [this is written vertically immediately below `7th.` sw] The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & not cold, sun shiny & fair all the Morning ; about noon it grew cloudy & overcast & the wind blew? cold & raw, & continued so the rest of the day & a great part at least of the night: Pd. 2s. for repairing the stable of Bodlwyfan, gave 1s. to a raffle, & paid 1s. iid.2/1 Shire hall tax for my lands in my holding in LLanfechell parish.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 January 8th. The Wind S.W. very moderate,but cold & raw ? weather all day, yet often Sun shiny, about 7 at night it begun to blow fresh and rained very hard about 8: The Priest preached on Heb: Chap: 2d. vers i6th. gave Cousin Owen Wms. theGlazier`s Boy 6d.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Pwllheli, Dulyn, Caergybi
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 9th. The Wind S. and moderate,raining very hard this morning about 3 a clock, as it did afterwards about 2 in the Evening; gave Richd. Evans a Harper from Pwllhely that played here these 3 last days 2s. Sent Mrs. Parry of Dublin`s Rent to her this day by Ann Warm ?ingham to pay them to Mr. Wm. Morris at Holy head who is to trans ?mit them over to Dublin for her?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 i0th. The Wind S. blowing high before day & raining hard,from Sun to Sun very moderate & dry except about 2 in the Evening it rained hard again, the Night was Stormy, but without any rain till i0 at least?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Llanerchymedd, Pen Ll?n
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 iith. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & raining early in the morning be? fore day, the rest of the day was dry till towards the fall of night it rained again: Sent 8s. 4d. to buy 5 three 6 penny Stamps to LLan - erchymedd to write upon them the inde[m sw]nifications that[? sw] my Mother is to tender her perfidious Tenants in LLeyn who have been served with Declarations in Ejectmt. [there is a wavy line under `clarations in Ejectmt` sw] by LLoyd the Irishman,that in case they should not give her power to appear for them, she may upon motion to the Court(& an Affidavit of such indemnifications being offered them ) be admitted to take the defense upon herself. ? Pd. 4s. for flannen [flannel sw] for to make peticoats for Ann Wright.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 12th. The Wind S.S.W. very moderate and warm all day; rained very hard about 3 in the morning, and made severall heavy show? ?ers afterwards dureing the day: I can`t remember ever to have seen the Earth so wet; tho it was made no floods nor extraordinary heavy rains this year. but raining almost continually every ? day Since Michaelmas with little intermission,& no Easterly ? Winds nor frosts,has so thoroughly soaked the Earth that there is very few low grounds can be walked on dry; the bank before this house? being as wet & as plashy as low marshes: Pd. John Ifan my Gardiner 10s. of his years wages which will be up next Candlemas?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Runcorn
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 13th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, but not cold, and dry all this day;pd. Shadrach the Butcher`s wife 20d. for a side of Veal: Delivered to Wm. Peters 42 shillings to buy me 6 Tons of Co^a^l at a place called Runcorn on Warrington River.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 January 14th. The Wind S. SW. moderate & warm, raining hard about 5 in the morning, the rest of the day dry and generally Sun Shiny & pleasant. To Day I bent down & interwove the tops & other branches of the Beech that composed my New zArbour in order to make it a thick covert, dark & Shady: My people all this? week are fallowing for Barley at Coydan Park?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 15th. The Wind S. and raining very hard from 3 in the morning till near day and the wind at that time very still & calm , before 8 a clock it begun to blow very fresh and rained from that time incessantly & without intermission & generally ? very hard till near i in the Evening, Some intermission after? ?wards, but made severall heavy showers before night, and a great deal of rain in the night accompanyed with Thunder& Lightning betwixt 9 & 10. Gave 5s. Christmas Boxto Roger the Sexton, & gave 6d. Charity to Owen Parry of LLanddaniel a Son of Harry ab Sion Ednyfed of this parish.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 i6th. The Wind S in the morning and blowing high accompanyed with frequent showers of rain; About noon it came to W and blew higher & more stormy and was very cold all the Evening with some Showers of Sleet, before night the Wind came to N ? and blew very hard and stormy all night: ...
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 17th. The Wind W. blowing fresh all the morning, but Sun shiny fair & war [there is a line over the `r` sw] the Evening and night was calm and pleasant and did not rain all this day: sent William Davies with the indemnifications to Mr. William Prichard of Carnarvon to be sent to LLeyn by his son to be offered to the Tenants in consideration of their consenting to appear to the Ejectmts. sent by him 3 pounds to buy me Drab to make me a Coat, pd ? 4s. 8d.2/1 aside of Pork at 1d.4/1 a pound: Pd. Mary Jones 10d. for 5 days sewing work.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
* [there is a star, or the symbol of a small tree, in the margin opposite this entry sw] 1748?49 January18th. The Wind E. very calm, sun shiny fair & pleasant all day: Planted to day an Eugh [Yew sw] Tree in the walk on the North side of the Wall Garden instead of a Fir Tree that had failed there: A very great Circle about the moon this night it being very calm.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 19th. The Wind S. and very moderate, raining almost incessantly from Sun to Sun, the Night was dry and moderately light: Allowed Mr. Tho. Morris 10s. 8d. land tax & pd. him 10s. for repairs he had done in a Cow house at Rhydgroes.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 20th. The Wind W. & by N. blowing high ,stormy & tempestuous from 12 at night till near 8 this night & raining hard frommidnight till day with some showers of Sleet afterwards both morning & Evening : the wind was something allayed about 8 at night ? tho it blew fresh all night.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 21st. The Wind from W. blowing high very stormy and tempestuous long before day, and all this day and night and rained excessive hard for severall hours beforeday and madesome small show ?ers in the day: My people when the weather permitted were ? fallowing at Coydan Park, but some days this week they could not stir from about the house.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 22d. The Wind W. & by N. blowing high and stormy all day with very little Sun shine yet continued dry till about 8 at night it brought down ? severall heavy showers of Sleet, and from that time it blew a rank ? storm all the rest of the night: The Priest preached on Prov. chap: 22d. vers. 6th.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 23d. 0 [symbol lleuad llawn] [this is written in the margin underneath `23d.` sw] The Wind N. & by W. blowing an[d sw]exceeding great storm and very - tempestuous all this day with some showers of sleet in the morning ? it threw down another of my Fir Trees in the walk next the South ? I have had it set upright again, but whether it will grow or no, time ? onely will shew, the Wind continued to blow high stormy & tempestuous all the Evening and all the night. Holt`s wife was here to day, stayed about half an hour & went as far as the Village where she lay all night.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 24th. The Wind N.W. blowing fresh and very cold all the morning; was much allayed in the Evening, and very calm in the night: Paid to one Jemison a Scotch Pedlar 2s. 6d. for a pair of stockins for my self, 18d for a pair of stockins for Ann Wright, 7s. 6d. for 5 yards of Cloath 1s. 3d. for [2 sw]/1 yard of Cambrick and 5s. 6d. for two Lustring Silk [a glossy silk cloth sw] Handkerchiefs all for Ann Wright. gave Alice Jones 6d. to buy Beesoms at the Fair
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 St. Paul`s Day [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] January 25th. The Wind S. blowing very moderate,& raining incessantly from before day till night(except for about half an hour between 12 & i.) about Sun Set it begun to blow high & stormy & continued so all, or most part of the night: gave 1s. to a poor disbanded Soldier ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 26th. The Wind N. blowing high and the effects of last night`s Storm appeared this morning in haveing thrown down the same Fir Free again that I thought I had secured by a Strong rope, & near a Ton weight of large stones put on the roots of it; the rope was broke in two & the Stones scattered from about it. about 8 I set out to meet my Brother Lewis & other Comiss? - ioners of the land tax at Amlough to hear & determine ye Merits of a Surcharge that the Surveyour of the Lights had brought against severall persons in Twrkelyn Hundred; .....I dined with Mr. Lewis at Tom the Smith`s house where I was treated, but pd. 1d2/1 for ale & 1d2/1 for Tobacco, & pd. 6d. to a man for carrying a Letter to ye Post Office it grew calm about noon and not so cold but made severall showers of small rain, set out for home about 4 & was at home by night, and well I came then,for about 6 it began to rain, & rained excessive hard from that time till 9 &all the while very calm, but about 9 it began to blow hard from S.S.E. & raining all the while, till about 10 it brought down a great deal of Snow, And freezed afterwards before day.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 January 27th. The Wind N. & by E. blowing fresh and very cold, if not freezing and generally cloudy and dark: To Day I Sent Nancy Wright to Mrs. Gold`s Boarding in Beaumares along with her Sister Grace & gave between them 2s. 6d. the other money that must be laid out for Nancy in Town & the expence of the Men Horses &c. must be set forth in too-morrow`s account: made sev ? - erall Showers of hail of short continuance in the Evening & freezed pretty sharp in the night & the wind quite allayed.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Biwmares
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 28th. The Wind N. and by E. blowing fresh and very cold all day and gen? ?erally cloudy and dark; A great deal of Snow fell sometime last night so that the Earth was covered with it pretty thick this morning, but by 3 in the Evening most of it was melted: Jane Owen & the Man that carryed the Children `s Portmantua returned fromBeaumares where Nancy Wright was Entered into the School, She gave her Mistress 5s. Entrance money & 1s. to the Writeing Master, she pd. 7s. 10d. for Stuff to make her a Skirt, 6d. for a Psalter: 1s. 6d. she pd. for Sugar & 2d. for BraggotSpice [braggot is a drink sw]: & left 1s. 6d. with her Mistress to buy her small things ? she may want, such as Pins, Garters, laces &c.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
1748?49 29th. The Wind S.S.W. very moderate, but cold and raw all day, haveing freezed pretty hard last night which was wholy thawed by Noon? tho it made no rain and was generally cloudy and dark: about 8 at night the Wind began to blow, and by 10 it blew high and boisterous and rained very hard, and raining I left it when I went to bed?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:


Dyma enghreifftiau o’r codau (“Bwleaidd”) i’w defnyddio wrth chwilio’r Tywyddiadur:

Y chwiliad symlaf yw gair ar ei ben ei hun (ee wennol), neu dau air wedi eu gwahanu gan A, NEU neu DIM (ee. wennol NEU gwennol)

Ond i chwilio ar draws y meysydd:

Rhowch + o flaen pob maes/elfen o’ch chwiliad a : (colon) ar ei ôl..

Dynodir dyddiadau fel diwrnod, mis, blwyddyn (dd/mm/bb)

Ee. I godi pob cofnod sy’n cynnwys Faenol ym mis Ionawr 1877:

+lle:Faenol +mm/bb:1/1877

Dyma ychydig o engreifftiau eraill:

+nodiadau:llosgfynydd +bb:1815

+ffynhonnell:Edwards +nodiadau:moch

+nodiadau:wartheg +nodiadau:ffridd

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