Llên Natur
Llên Natur

Y Tywyddiadur

Prif nodwedd y gronfa hon yw'r dyddiad, mis neu'r flwyddyn penodol sydd yn sail i'ch cofnod. Mae'r tywydd wrth gwrs yn rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd "rwan", pryd bynnag yw neu oedd "rwan" i'r cofnodwr gwreiddiol; y bore yma efallai, diwrnod arbennig yn eich plentyndod, neu sylw mewn dyddiadur dwy ganrif yn ôl yn sir Feirionnydd.... efallai. Neu efallai bod cysylltiad y sylw a'r tywydd yn ymddangosiadol wan iawn: tylluan wen yn hela am dri o'r gloch y prynhawn ar ddyddiad arbennig o Chwefror; clywed y gog yn canu ddiwedd mis Mawrth; teilo cae at datws ddechrau’r gwanwyn. Tywydd....? efallai! Ffenoleg...? yn bendant.

Mae'r Tywyddiadur yn rhyngweithiol - hynny yw, mi allwch rhoi gwybodaeth i fewn iddo, neu chael gwybodaeth allan. Y cam cyntaf y byddwch yn cymryd wrth fentro ar y dudalen hon felly fydd dewis pa un rydych am ei wneud.... Chwilio ynteu Mewnbynnu (blychod chwilio ar y chwith mewn glas, blychod mewnbynnu ar y dde mewn coch).

(Ewch i’r gwaelod am ganllawiau cychwynnol).

CHWILIO: Chi biau’r dewis: mis neu gyfnod arbennig efallai, blwyddyn, gair (neu ddau air), neu ddiwrnod penodol (treiwch ddyddiad eich pen-blwydd). Cewch wneud cyfuniad o rhain.

MEWNBYNNU: Trwy fewnbynnu cewch ychwanegu at y gronfa a chreu adnodd mwy cynhwysfawr fyth i ymchwilwyr fel chi. Dim ond tri amod sydd ar eich cofnod: ei fod yn cynnwys rhyw fath o ddyddiad, lleoliad (bras neu fanwl), a bod y cofnod rhywfodd yn gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd.




6,454 cofnodion a ganfuwyd.
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
i3th. The Wind S. with a dark, hazy weather and mizling rain in the morning till 9; the rest of the day was dry, generally Sun Shiny, and blowing very fresh in the Evening: Paid for 6 Couple of wooden fetlocks for fetters i5d.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Bangor
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
14th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, hot and scorching all day, tho it was often cloudy and dark: Bangor Fair proved but indifferent and no great number sold: Wm. Davies sold Eight of my Oxen for Six pounds a piece, giveing back 10s. by way of gift; & 8s. 6d. expences in carrying them to the Fair.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Pentraeth
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
i5th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, hot & scorching, notwithstanding that it was generally cloudy & dark; the Surface of the Earth in this part of the Countrey looks frightfull, being every where scorched & burnt up, whilst in the East part of the Countrey ? about Pentraeth they have had in great abundance: Paid 2s 2d. for a side of Veal & 4d.2/1 for a Side of kid & the head . pd.iL.i5s. Duty for Coal.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
16th. The Wind variable & chopping about all day, very sultry scorching weather, tho it was often cloudy and dark : My people all this week were weeding the Corn, & turning the Turf to dry.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
17th. The Wind S. blowing high, Sun Shiny very hot dry & scorching all day: & not the least hopes of any rain : The G ? s C? B ? m v ? w? . S ? S? n & in p ? y.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
18th. The Wind S. and little of it, Sun shiny and extream hot from 8 in the morning till 6 in the Evening: Paid Cousin Grace Mostyn`s Bill wch. my Mother owed her: being 3 pounds thirteen Shillings.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
June i9th. The Wind N. very calm, Sun Shiny, bright & clear all day; and excessive hot from almost Sun riseing to its setting Pd. Gabriel Jones`s bill that my Mother owed him being 2 pound 2 shillings and 5 pence; and 9 pence half penny that I owed him.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Biwmares
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
20th. The Wind N. very calm, Sun shiny hot and Sultry all day? about 3 a clock this morning Dyed Mrs. Catherine Wynn of Wern, Wife of Mr. Francis LLoyd of Monachdy leaving ? behind her 2 boys & a Girl: it is very remarkable that on this very day of the month and likewise day of the Week being Wednesday the 20th. of June 1739 exactly Eleven years ago, Mr. Wm. Robinson the last heir of Monachdy was cast away in a boat comeing from the Island of Skerries, and a great number of people perished along with him. about 4 this Morning I sent Ann Wright & her Sister Grace to Beaumares School, gave each of them 2s. 6d. sent by John Ifan 17s. 10d. to pay Mrs. Go[u sw]ld for what she had laid out for Ann Wright: cost the Servants 1s. 9d. in Town: Pd. My Sister Catherine five pound in part of her Interest money. Pd. Abraham Jones Bill upon my Mo ?ther being One pound 1s. 6d. Pd. Cousin Humphrey Mostyn his Bill being Ten pound 1s. 6d. 17s. 8d. of which was for Cloath for my Mother: Pd. Thomas Bryan`s Bill upon my Mother being two pounds 8s. Pd. him likewise my own Bill being one pound 7s.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
21st. The Wind N.E. blowing very fresh, very hot & Sun shiny in the morning; the Evening a little cooler, and more cloudy; pd. 2d. for fish, & id.2/1 for Tobbacco . To Day I begun to Cut my hay.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
22d [SYMBOL LLEUAD NEWYDD] 7 [this is written vertically in the margin below `22d` sw] The Wind N. E. & by E. blowing very fresh, & tho the Sun did not shine bright, yet it was hot & very scorching ; Paid for a Side of Veal 2s. 7d.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
23d. The Wind S. & by W. blowing very moderate & warm, and raining very hard about 5 in the morning, and continued to make a small mizling rain all the rest of the day & most part of the night; blessed by God for it!
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
June 24th. The Wind S. blowing very moderate, warm and sultry, Sultry Sun Shiny & fair: The Priest preached on Philip: Chap. 3d. vers. 20th. about i I went to Monachdy to assist a the funerall of Mrs. LLoyd ^funeral^ as a bearer, where it cost me 6s.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
25th. The Wind E. in the morning, Sun shiny hot & very sultry; it came to S. in the Evening, grew cloudy & overcast & brought down some ? drops of rain about 7, but of no long continuance.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
26th. The Wind W. blowing fresh and pretty cold, generally Sun Shiny 5 in the Evening when it grew dark & over cast & made some heavy showers from that time till 9 . The Priest set this Tythe to day in the following manner? Caerdegog parcell for 32 pound, LLawr y LLan- exclusive of Cae`r llan which is all under Barley & a thick crop too, (whichis rare to see this year ) & the little field beyond it under wheat, & likewise exclusive of the upland hay: LLawr y llan I say was set for 20 pound; Dygwel was set for 2 pound 12s. 6d. Parcel y Mynydd for 12s.? the hemp & flax for 10s.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
27th. The Wind N. blowing high cold & scorching & generally Sun shiny the hay that my people are now cutting is so very thin, that I am sure it will not yield one field with another hardly a fourth.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
28th. The Wind N. blowing fresh and very scorching; the Sun likewise very hot, burns up the remainder of the little grass that was: So that unless God of his mercy does not send rain very soon; I am afraid that a great many cattle will famish .
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
29th. The Wind N. blowing fresh, sun shiny and very scorching all day paid 1s. 8d. for a quarter of veal & the head, pd. 1d. for Turnip Seeds ? and gave 1s. to Henry Sion Hughes`s Raffle who is the father of a numerous family & had been long sick & could not work for his and their maintenance.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
30th. The Wind S. and blowing moderate, cloudy & dark all day, yet sultry & warm & extream dry,without so much as a little dew: My people all this week are carrying home the turf & peat in the morning till dinner & all the rest of the day in the hay.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July ist. The Wind S. blowing generally fresh all day; made a shower or two of refreshing rain sometime before day, and made none afterwards till 5 in the Evening when it rained a little & continu`d a small rain to 9 or 10 at Night. This Day I discharged the last of the Debt I owed Mr. Henry Powell by paying Richard Edmunds by the order of Mr. Clough who marryed his Daughter - 83L. 14s.& had my security delivered up & his & his wifes receipt in full. I gave the man 2s.6d. to bear his expences.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July 2d. The Wind came about 5 this morning to . W. & settled about noon at S.W. blowing moderate all day, Sun shiny in the morning, and the Evening cloudy and overcast, made one very great shower of rain about ii last night for near half an hour. Yesterday I discharged the last of the debts I owed to Mr. Henry Powell of Glan y wern in Denbighshire, by paying One Richard Edmunds by the order of Mr. Hugh Clough who marryed Powell`s Daughter Eighty three pounds fourteen ? shillings & giveing Richard Edmunds 2s. 6d. to bear his ex? - pences, tho I needed not to do it, haveing paid Powell from first to last & now to this man very near double the Principall money I Owed him at first for Interest onely; the Severall originall ? debts I owed him being no more than 242L. which I can make appear I paid from first to last above 632L. Let this be a warn ? ing how people run into debts!
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
3d. The Wind S. W. blowing very moderate, generall cloudy and dark, yet very warm, and exceeding dry. Pd. 1d. for Tobbacco Pipes.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
4th. The Wind S. W. blowing high, especially in the Evening, the wind very hot and scorching. tho it was generally cloudy and dark air. yet made no rain.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
5th. The Wind S. W. blowing very moderate & warm; between 2&3 a clock this morning it rained excessive hard for near an hour, made afterwards severall showers after Sun rise for most part of the morning, & some small showers in the Evening: A great blessing which our Mercifull God and kind Father bestows upon us his very unworthy Children & Subjects! To Day I finished the carrying home my Turf. pd. 13d. for a side of Lamb.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
6th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate generally, but with some intervals of Brisk gales; made severall small faint showers to day, but not worth the minding: To Day I carryed home all my upland hay and made it into a small stack, if not being half as big as usuall Pd. 1s. for a quarter of veal & 2s. for a quarter of mutton.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
7th. The Wind S. & by W. blowing fresh, & very cold in the morning sunshiny & fair; the Evening dark hazy weather with frequent attempts to rain,but made nothing to speak of.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:


Dyma enghreifftiau o’r codau (“Bwleaidd”) i’w defnyddio wrth chwilio’r Tywyddiadur:

Y chwiliad symlaf yw gair ar ei ben ei hun (ee wennol), neu dau air wedi eu gwahanu gan A, NEU neu DIM (ee. wennol NEU gwennol)

Ond i chwilio ar draws y meysydd:

Rhowch + o flaen pob maes/elfen o’ch chwiliad a : (colon) ar ei ôl..

Dynodir dyddiadau fel diwrnod, mis, blwyddyn (dd/mm/bb)

Ee. I godi pob cofnod sy’n cynnwys Faenol ym mis Ionawr 1877:

+lle:Faenol +mm/bb:1/1877

Dyma ychydig o engreifftiau eraill:

+nodiadau:llosgfynydd +bb:1815

+ffynhonnell:Edwards +nodiadau:moch

+nodiadau:wartheg +nodiadau:ffridd

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