Llên Natur
Llên Natur

Y Tywyddiadur

Prif nodwedd y gronfa hon yw'r dyddiad, mis neu'r flwyddyn penodol sydd yn sail i'ch cofnod. Mae'r tywydd wrth gwrs yn rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd "rwan", pryd bynnag yw neu oedd "rwan" i'r cofnodwr gwreiddiol; y bore yma efallai, diwrnod arbennig yn eich plentyndod, neu sylw mewn dyddiadur dwy ganrif yn ôl yn sir Feirionnydd.... efallai. Neu efallai bod cysylltiad y sylw a'r tywydd yn ymddangosiadol wan iawn: tylluan wen yn hela am dri o'r gloch y prynhawn ar ddyddiad arbennig o Chwefror; clywed y gog yn canu ddiwedd mis Mawrth; teilo cae at datws ddechrau’r gwanwyn. Tywydd....? efallai! Ffenoleg...? yn bendant.

Mae'r Tywyddiadur yn rhyngweithiol - hynny yw, mi allwch rhoi gwybodaeth i fewn iddo, neu chael gwybodaeth allan. Y cam cyntaf y byddwch yn cymryd wrth fentro ar y dudalen hon felly fydd dewis pa un rydych am ei wneud.... Chwilio ynteu Mewnbynnu (blychod chwilio ar y chwith mewn glas, blychod mewnbynnu ar y dde mewn coch).

(Ewch i’r gwaelod am ganllawiau cychwynnol).

CHWILIO: Chi biau’r dewis: mis neu gyfnod arbennig efallai, blwyddyn, gair (neu ddau air), neu ddiwrnod penodol (treiwch ddyddiad eich pen-blwydd). Cewch wneud cyfuniad o rhain.

MEWNBYNNU: Trwy fewnbynnu cewch ychwanegu at y gronfa a chreu adnodd mwy cynhwysfawr fyth i ymchwilwyr fel chi. Dim ond tri amod sydd ar eich cofnod: ei fod yn cynnwys rhyw fath o ddyddiad, lleoliad (bras neu fanwl), a bod y cofnod rhywfodd yn gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd.




6,454 cofnodion a ganfuwyd.
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
6th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, drying well, but very scorching? paid Margarett ? chuw Morrus 2s. 2d. for a Carcase of Lamb.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
7th. The Wind E. in the morning, came before noon to N.W. blew? fresh and cold, a great hoar frost both this & yesterday morning but was generally Sun Shiny all day, My people were the 3 last days of this week harrowing Vetches & great Oats.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
8th. The Wind N.E. blowing pretty fresh & very cold for the most part and made Some showers of hail, yet it was for the most part Sun Shiny & fair.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
April 9th. The Wind E. blowing very fresh and exceeding cold, cloudy & dark weather with some showers of this day? ? [this pointing symbol is in the margin pointing at this line sw] Mr. John LLoyd the Irishman of Hirdrefaig paid in ye ballance due upon Wm. Humphrey to my Mother after settling the accounts, being One hundred, Eight pounds & three shillings.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
10th. The Wind variable for most part of the day from W? in all the points, till it settled at 2 in the Evening at E. was cloudy & dark with frequent showers of hail in the morning & very cold : The Evening was Sun shiny very fair and warm: Mr. Morgan Hughes collected for me amongst the other small Tenants at LLeyn Nine pounds i8 shillings which he paid to me this day?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
iith The Wind E. blowing moderate, yet very cold, cloudy & dark - all the morning & raining hard about 6; the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy, dark and very cold.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
12th. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate, a great hoar frost this morning all the day was Sun shiny, fair and warm : pd. Lewis Wm. 4s. of his winter`s wages ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Lerpwl, Caer
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
13th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy, dark and very cold all day. about 3 in the Evening it begun to rain, & made some mizling small rain all the rest of the Evening, but in the night it rained exceeding hard: paid i8d. for a Carcase of poor Lamb: Delivered likewise to Thomas Prichard the Cooper 3 pounds & 9d. to buy? me some things in Liverpool & Chester ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Llysdulas
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
i4th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & very cold with some rain about 6 in the morning: About 2 in the Evening I set out for LLys- ?dulas in my way to Beaumares Sessions which begins? next monday the 16th. Instant. was at LLysdulas by 5.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
15th. The Wind N. calm,Sun shiny, warm, fair &pleasant all day? stay.`d this day(being Sunday ) at LLysdulas.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llysdulas, Biwmares
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
16th. The Wind came to S.S.W this morning about 3, blew fresh & rained hard all the morning; about 3 in the Evening Mr. Lewis and I set out for Beaumares, had 2 or 3 small showers of rain upon the way, we came to Town by 7, and staid in our lodg- ing all night,where I paid 6d. for Ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
?6 1/2 [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] April 17th. The Wind blowing fresh and cold from W. & by S. and made some rain early in the morning; the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy and dark: A Scotsman being drowned on Lavan Sands last Winter, by the ferrymen`s refus ing or neglecting to go for him ^two of^ the Said ferry men on the morrow went in quest of the Corps, tore out his pockets, stole his money,and afterwards finding his Box and Pack, carryed them also away & hid them in the Point under gravel & T[ang sw], [Nesta Evans gives `Tang`; the etymology of `tang` in the Collins dictionary is related to the Old Norse word for a spit or a point sw] which some of the Town`s people observing; four of them, 2 Sailors & 2 ship wrights went there in the night, took them up, and shared them amongst them & two or 3 more of the confederacy: The Town Magistrates and the Neighbouring Countrey Justices haveing either neglected or refused to take proper examinations, & to secure the Criminals The Judges of the Circuit,(Viz) Mr. Taylor Whyte & the booby Rogers Holland sent forMr.Lewis & myself and press[` sw]d [Nesta Evans gives `press`d` sw] it upon us that we should take the Examinations of such people as should be brought to us by the Sollicitor of the prosecutor, All the Criminals were of the Borrough of Beaumares; and the Constables of the Borrough took them up and brought them before us, which took up all our? time for the most part of 3 days. Pd. to day is. [1/- sw] for gloves.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
i8th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & cold and raining hard for ? most part of the day; paid 3s.6d. for my meat & drink this day and yesterday.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
i9th. The Wind S.W. blowing high and cold with some sun shine and continued dry all this day: Executed the Deed that lead the Uses of a Recovery that is to be Arraigned too morrow: paid to day is. 6d. for meat & drink at my lodging.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
20th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & dry till 3 inthe Evening when it made some showers: My recovery was arraingned in this morning Court: & in the same morning Court was tryed an Ejectment agst. Mr. Bodvell by Sr. Nic: Bayley before the booby Holland;(White the other Judge being gone off early this morning) which went against Mr. Bodvell, which in ^most people`s^everyone `s Judgment would not have been so ? had the other Judge been there: pd. this day for meat & drink 4s.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Biwmares
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
2ist. The Wind S. W. blowing very fresh with some little rain in ye morning the rest of the day was dry & generally Sunshiny: Paid to Day Mr.? Wm. Prichd.`s Bill that drew the Deeds & managed every thing that concern`d the Recovery, which was 2i pounds 12s. 6d. Fourteen pounds of which was paid as the King`s silver for compounding, [there is a line over the `m` sw] the rest for drawing the Deeds & fees for the Officers of the Court.pd. likewise for my Servant & horses i2s. gave the Servants of the house 2s. & to ye barber 2s. Set out from Town half an hour after 10 & was at home before 3 in the Evening haveing Pd. 2d. for Ale &c at Bwlch gwynn ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
Easter Day. [this is in the margin opposite this entry sw] April 22d. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh or rather high all day, cloudy and very cold, yet continued dry: about 200 persons comunicated [there is a cupped line over the `m` sw] here to day, some say 202, others 3 or 4 short of 200: The Priest preached in the Evening on John`s ? Gospel Chap: 5th. & ye last part of the i4th. verse.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Wrecsam, Porthaethwy
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
23d. The Wind S.W. blowing moderate, rained hard about 6 in the morning, but the rest of the day was sun shiny, fair &dry. but betwixt 8 & 9 at night it made a long heavy shower of rain: gave Lewis my Man is. [1/- sw] to bear his & John Ifan`s? expences who went to bring the Oxen to Porthaethwy that were sold to Robert Samuel of Wrexham.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Lerpwl, Llundain, Livorno
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
24th. The Wind S.W. calm, Sun shiny, fair & pleasant in the morning; but above 8 it grew cloudy & overcast, & rained very hard about 9; all the rest of the day was sunshiny warm, fair and pleasant: Paid Andrew Mac Harrow aScots Pedlar iis. 10d. for things for Anna Wright: Delivered 2s. with my Watch to Wm. Griffith that is going to Liverpool to pay for the mendingit Delivered also to Alsi Cae Howel 2is. 3d. to be pd. Robert Evans the Post Master of LLanerchymedd for Mr. Jackson`s use that ? sends me my News Papers from London, as likewise i6d. to pay for the Postage of a Letter she is to deliver too morrow in ye Post Office to go to Leghorn for Mr. Wright?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
25th. The Wind S. S . W? blowing fresh and raining from 5 in the morning almost without intermission till 3 in the Evening- and tho it left off raining then, yet the rest of the day was cloudy & dark and the Air very moist.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
26th. The Wind S. W. calm, cloudy & dark weather, & made severall showers of small rain this day likewise; Paid Owen Hughes [Blewin sw] the Attorney 2is. being his bill for Sueing William Hughes the Miller in an Action of Debt: of which debt I am- not like to have a farthing ?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
27th. The Wind N. E. in the morning; calm, warm &pleasant, came about noon to N.W. & settled before night at the old rainy point S.W. but made no rain this day: Pd. Margaret ?chuw Morris 4s. for 2 lamb carcasses had last week & to day.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
28th. The Wind S. W. calm, cloudy, close,& dark weather all day- attended with severall showers of small rain, it blewa little in the Evening,and made Some Sunshine .
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
April 29th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh with some sun shine, but generally cloudy & dark, yet continued dry all this day; and blew high all the Evening and night.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, Môn (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
30th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing high and raining hard in ye morning the Evening was dry with some sun shine.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:


Dyma enghreifftiau o’r codau (“Bwleaidd”) i’w defnyddio wrth chwilio’r Tywyddiadur:

Y chwiliad symlaf yw gair ar ei ben ei hun (ee wennol), neu dau air wedi eu gwahanu gan A, NEU neu DIM (ee. wennol NEU gwennol)

Ond i chwilio ar draws y meysydd:

Rhowch + o flaen pob maes/elfen o’ch chwiliad a : (colon) ar ei ôl..

Dynodir dyddiadau fel diwrnod, mis, blwyddyn (dd/mm/bb)

Ee. I godi pob cofnod sy’n cynnwys Faenol ym mis Ionawr 1877:

+lle:Faenol +mm/bb:1/1877

Dyma ychydig o engreifftiau eraill:

+nodiadau:llosgfynydd +bb:1815

+ffynhonnell:Edwards +nodiadau:moch

+nodiadau:wartheg +nodiadau:ffridd

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