Llên Natur
Llên Natur

Y Tywyddiadur

Prif nodwedd y gronfa hon yw'r dyddiad, mis neu'r flwyddyn penodol sydd yn sail i'ch cofnod. Mae'r tywydd wrth gwrs yn rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd "rwan", pryd bynnag yw neu oedd "rwan" i'r cofnodwr gwreiddiol; y bore yma efallai, diwrnod arbennig yn eich plentyndod, neu sylw mewn dyddiadur dwy ganrif yn ôl yn sir Feirionnydd.... efallai. Neu efallai bod cysylltiad y sylw a'r tywydd yn ymddangosiadol wan iawn: tylluan wen yn hela am dri o'r gloch y prynhawn ar ddyddiad arbennig o Chwefror; clywed y gog yn canu ddiwedd mis Mawrth; teilo cae at datws ddechrau’r gwanwyn. Tywydd....? efallai! Ffenoleg...? yn bendant.

Mae'r Tywyddiadur yn rhyngweithiol - hynny yw, mi allwch rhoi gwybodaeth i fewn iddo, neu chael gwybodaeth allan. Y cam cyntaf y byddwch yn cymryd wrth fentro ar y dudalen hon felly fydd dewis pa un rydych am ei wneud.... Chwilio ynteu Mewnbynnu (blychod chwilio ar y chwith mewn glas, blychod mewnbynnu ar y dde mewn coch).

(Ewch i’r gwaelod am ganllawiau cychwynnol).

CHWILIO: Chi biau’r dewis: mis neu gyfnod arbennig efallai, blwyddyn, gair (neu ddau air), neu ddiwrnod penodol (treiwch ddyddiad eich pen-blwydd). Cewch wneud cyfuniad o rhain.

MEWNBYNNU: Trwy fewnbynnu cewch ychwanegu at y gronfa a chreu adnodd mwy cynhwysfawr fyth i ymchwilwyr fel chi. Dim ond tri amod sydd ar eich cofnod: ei fod yn cynnwys rhyw fath o ddyddiad, lleoliad (bras neu fanwl), a bod y cofnod rhywfodd yn gysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd.




6,454 cofnodion a ganfuwyd.
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
17th. The Wind S.W. cloudy, with cool breezes, spent 6d. for ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
18th. The Wind W.S.W. clear & pretty hot weather, took a ride to day to Croes -fechan, & Rhwng y ddau fynydd & cafnan, an extraordinary crop of corn in most places, God send a good harvest. ?? [y cofnod hwn n dangos bod WB yn siarad Cymraeg]
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
June 19th The Wind S.E. in the Morning & E. in the Evening, a Clear, Hot, Sultry day, with the Wind pretty high & scorching. the Markett in Llanerchymedd pretty high, barley from 17 to 18s a pegget, Rye & pilcorn from 24 to 26s. a peggett, Wheat from 28 to 35s a pegget.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
20th. [lleuad newydd]12 [this is written immediately below `20th.` sw] The Wind E. & a brisk gale in the Morning with some thunder & black clouds, to day I begun to mow hay, Entered myself a com-pounder with Pugh the Exciseman for the year following for three heads of Malt at the rate of 5s a head, & for 3 heads for Candles a the rate of 2s. a head. the Wind W. in the Evening, the Parson Mett to set [Nesta Evans has `let` sw] his Tythe at his own house..... it rained very hard that Night almost till day?
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
21st. The Wind S.E. Cloudy & dull in the Morning, but very sultry, clear & very hot in the Evening, discharged Abraham Jones`s Shop Note of 1l. 3s. his Wife then going for Chester fair. paid one David Arthur a Dealer in hops 12s for 12l. of hops bought of him this day. a poor flesh Markett this day at Llanfechell.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
22d. The Wind S.&S.W. all day , dull & cloudy in the Morning, & Sultry very clear & hot in the Evening & a good hay harvest.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
23d. The Wind N. & very still, cloudy & rusty weather all the morning in the Evening it rained, and continued most part of the night spent 2d for ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
24th. The Wind.N.E.Rusty, Cloudy Weather all the Morning, with some rain clear & fair in the Evening. Agreed with Rowland Prichard ap Wm. Pugh to gather the Tythe of Llawr y Llann for the tenth shock of Corn and the fifth load of hay. he to gather the hay into the 3 most con-venient places, & to have it shared there, (viz) Brynddu, Bodelwyn, & Coydan, but to gather all ye Corn to ye Tythe yard by the Parson`s house. to Day I gathered the first Beans this year.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
June 25th. The Wind N.E. in the Morning, the Sky cloudy & rusty in ye Morning cleared up about 7 and was very hot till 3 in ye Afternoon, when the wind came to S.S.W. & blew cold, all the skies overcast with clouds.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Llanfechell, Llanerchymedd, Cemaes
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
26th. The Wind .S.S.W. cloudy in the Morning, about 9 it cleared up, was very fair and warm all the rest of the Day. was at Cemaes to day bathing in the Sea spent there 3d. for ale. . The Markett full to day at Llannerchymedd, the barley being 16s. a peggett, other corn f[e sw]ll in proportion, had a quarter of Mutton Mutton from Llanerchmedd cost me 15d. I`ve bought better here for 6d. necessity only shall compell me to buy meat there
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
27th. The Wind W.S.W, cloudy & misling rain in the Morning till 9 a clock. then dry (tho still dark) till 7 in the Evening, at which time it began to rain, and continued raining all, or most part of the Night.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
28th. The Wind N.W. great signs of the rain that fell last night, every puddle being full, but this Day is fair & hot. & good hay harvest. Sold this day to ? Rowland Hughes of Lligwy 13 Oxen for 4l. 10s a piece, & the fourteenth being but a crab, I had for him but 3l. 9s. I am to send them next monday being July 1st. to Llangwillog where he`ll receive them and pay the money. bought to Day at the Markett of Llanvechell a side of Young Venison, very good & fat for 1s. 3d. of Wm. Bevan of Croesvechan, spent 3d for ale
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
29th. The Wind S.W. a clear, fair, hot day, and continued so till 5 a clock in the Evening, when the Sky began to be overcast with clouds, & grew very cold before night, about 10 a clock at night it began to rain, & I believe it continued raining most part of the Night, spent 3d for Ale to look at a quoiting match betwixt 3 of Llanfechell & 3 of Caerdegog, which ended in a drawn battle, no body conquering.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
30th. The Wind S.S.W. it rained this morning without intermission ?till near 11 a clock Owen Bulkeley of Gronant read in this church to day & preach`d on 1. John. Chap ? 5th. & ye latter part of ye 3d verse [presume this means John I, 3&5 sw]. the parson being not come home from his Aunt`s burying which was yestarday. This Owen Bulkeley was 6 years ago but a comon [there is a wavy line above the `m`, like a tilde sw] labourer;...... the rest of the Day proved dry tho cold, the wind comeing to the West.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July 1st. The Wind .W. and blowing high and very cold & dry, it rained very hard in the Evening in the South & South West parts of the Countrey, but it was dry here till 7 a clock it made a pretty hard shower or two. this day I sent the Oxen to Llangwillog that I had sold Rowland Hughes. & had all the money paid me, except the usuall detention of 2s. 6d. a pair which he kept in his hands out of the money, a custom which not being very old,....
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July 2d. The Wind. W. Dark, cloudy & very cold in the morning with cold showers of rain, all the rest of the Day fair & pleasant. to day Cousin Henry Morgan sent me a young pointer, which I called. (in comm-emoration of the Day) Swittan [WB notes the feast day of St Barnabas on the correct day for England, June 11; St. Swithun`s feast day is 15 July in England, but 2 July in Norway, according to Wikipedia. sw], gave the man 1s. that brought her.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July 3d. The Wind. S W. some rain in the Morning very warm & fair weather all the rest of the day, spent 2d for ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
4th The Wind W. very fair & clear all day good hay harvest, spent 1s.6d for ale
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
5th. ?[lleuad llawn] ? 2 [this is written in the margin below `5th.` sw] The Wind N.W. a dull. dark day from morning to night. ye Sun not appearing in all that time. a pretty good flesh market at LLanfechell & Corn pretty high -
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
6th. The Wind N W & by N. cloudy & dark in the Morning. the Evening very clear & fine hay harvest, spent 3 half pence for ale.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
7th. The Wind N. Dull & cloudy in the morning, the Evening fair, & hott Sun Shiny weather,
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
8th. The Wind N. & N.E. a fine clear hot day, & brave hay harvest spent 3 half for ale in look at people a Quoting in Llanfechell. This day the parson begun to rebuild the old ruinous house by the Garden, which in Jones the late Parson`s time was a kiln-house, and in the Terrier it is called the Curate`s Chamber, the present Parson had an intention to carry the stones to the Anchorite`s Garden Just by the Church-yard gate and build a House there with them, which undoubtedly would have been more to his & his Successours benefit every way but Covetousness (the inherent quality of all the Clergy) & ?... this Month likewise was built the new Cow house at Maes Mawr on the top of the hill betwixt the house and Bod-Lwyfan, as likewise a new house kiln by Melin Fechell. The last Month Mr. John Bulkeley begun to enclose Bychanan with a Stone Wall, & I likewise begun to make a wall betwixt Brynnie Duon & the high Way to LLannwrchmedd [Llanerchymedd]
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
July 9th. The Wind N. a Still clear day from Sun to Sun & very hot weather, the best hay harvest as has been known, sowed Turnip this day in the little garden
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
10th. wedn. The Wind N. very still & clear from Sun to Sun, & excessive hot as early as 6 a clock in the morning, gathered the Red Currants in the Orchard to make Currant Wine. the Markett at LLanerchymedd [fill sw] something to what it was this day Senight. onely the Butchers meat in that great=greedy=gut place was very dear, Wm. Davies bought me a quarter of very small mutton for 15d.
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid: --
Dyddiadur William Bulkeley, Brynddu, Llanfechell, M?n (gyda chaniatad Adran Archifau a Chasgliadau Arbennig Prifysgol Bangor)
11th. The Wind S. Dark cloudy Weather all Day, but continued without raining till Night, makeing tollerable good weather in the hay -
Geiriau Allweddol:
Cyf. Gwynt:
Nerth.Gwynt :
Glawiad : 0
Is Tym : 0
Uch Tym: 0
Safle grid:


Dyma enghreifftiau o’r codau (“Bwleaidd”) i’w defnyddio wrth chwilio’r Tywyddiadur:

Y chwiliad symlaf yw gair ar ei ben ei hun (ee wennol), neu dau air wedi eu gwahanu gan A, NEU neu DIM (ee. wennol NEU gwennol)

Ond i chwilio ar draws y meysydd:

Rhowch + o flaen pob maes/elfen o’ch chwiliad a : (colon) ar ei ôl..

Dynodir dyddiadau fel diwrnod, mis, blwyddyn (dd/mm/bb)

Ee. I godi pob cofnod sy’n cynnwys Faenol ym mis Ionawr 1877:

+lle:Faenol +mm/bb:1/1877

Dyma ychydig o engreifftiau eraill:

+nodiadau:llosgfynydd +bb:1815

+ffynhonnell:Edwards +nodiadau:moch

+nodiadau:wartheg +nodiadau:ffridd

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